Global Jobs Center

Thousands of verified opportunities

Trusted by millions of users


"Your trusted partner in recruitment and job placement since 1979"

Empowering Job Seekers and Employers

Global Jobs Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting employers and job seekers while providing essential resources and guidance to navigate the recruitment landscape since 1979.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Comprehensive Job Services

We provide guidance for employers and job seekers, ensuring effective recruitment and awareness against scams.

Employer Recommendations

Offering tailored advice to employers on best practices for recruitment and workforce development strategies.

two people sitting at a table with a menu in front of them
two people sitting at a table with a menu in front of them
Job Seeker Support

Assisting job seekers with resources and documentation to enhance their employment opportunities and success.

Our organization educates individuals on identifying and avoiding employment-related fraud and scam techniques effectively.

Fraud Awareness
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
low-angle photo of lightened candles
low-angle photo of lightened candles
gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Reach out for support, advice, and job-related inquiries.

Location Info

Located in Seattle, Washington, we provide essential services for job seekers and employers since 1979, focusing on recruitment and fraud awareness.


Springfield, MA 01128, Job Center Ave


9 AM - 5 PM